Uni.Co S cutting system is a cutting machine developed for the accurate production of V-Lock / Euro-Lock partitions, pads, stripes, filling and protective elements, reinforcements for corrugated and flat cardboard boxes.
All the operations
Uni.Co S cutting system is a multi-functional machine able to run different operations in a single phase: cardboard loading, timing, punching, tracing, creasing, longitudinal cutting, transversal cutting and collection of finished products by scale.
How the process goes
Uni.Co S cutting system is the ideal solution to produce all types of pads and partitions, combining the precision of the different processes with a quick machine setting, a fundamental requirement of today’s market.
The main feature of the machine is the innovative punching station and its operating mode. In addition, the modular tools easily allow to obtain different partitions’ heights, simply by adding or removing the different cutting segments supplied with the punches.
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